Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to change the color of a bar in a bar chart?

I am having a problem setting the colors of the bars in a bar chart. It seems like it would be the simplest thing, but apparently it's not.

The "series" is grouped on whether or not the value is positive -- if so, the bars are blue (by default) and if not, green (by default). I want to change it so the positive color is blue and the negative color is red.

I found that I can change ALL the bars to one color by going to chart properties, Data tab, Values Edit, Appearance tab, Series Style, Fill. There I set the color to red and ALL the bars became red. But this is not what I want.

I tried using a conditional statement like IIf(Fields!IsPositive.Value=True,Blue,Red) for the color, but (not surprisingly), it told me I hadn't defined Blue and Red.

Does anyone know exactly how to do this?

Nobody has even a clue how to do this? I can't find it documented anywhere .. is it impossible?|||

hi there

there is some information on the following link - not sure if it will help but look at figure 14 P10




Try to use blue and red in double quotes, it should solve the problem.

i hope by now you figured how to change the colors of the bars , the previous link has all the information, but to be in depth, for your case, you can write a code snippet in the code tab of the report properties by writing a simple vb code. for the logic you want to do it.

you can do something like this, pass a parameter ( i mean the value : fields!Positive.Value )

If (so and so.. )

Color = '03938x'

-- something like this.

Let me know if this helps.

and call this method in the data field properties.




|||Yes, thank you very much! Putting the colors in quotes does it (duh!). And that link has great information. Thanks again!|||


I do it in this way: in the "Chart Properties", data tab, I edit the value and in "Appearance" I go to "Series style..." and in fill tab, in Color, I set the next sentence:


And in the Report Properties, Code tab:

Public Function GetColor(ByVal strCriticity As String) As String
Select Case strCriticity
Case 0
Return "LemonChiffon"
Case 1
Return "Gold"
Case 2
Return "DarkOrange"
Case 3
Return "DarkRed"
End Select
End Function

Well, it works... but this has a problem: if in the bar chart appear the 4 colors in the different rows but the last bar only has 2 of them, in the legend only will appear that two colors, and the other 2 will be by default (a blue and a green, it will depend of the selected palette)...

How can I do it to show the legend with the correct colors?

If I put the code like cedubose:

= Switch (Fields!Criticity.Value = 0, "LemonChiffon", Fields!Criticity.Value = 1, "Gold", Fields!Criticity.Value = 2, "DarkOrange", Fields!Criticity.Value = 3, "DarkRed")

it works different but not correctly, i means, in 3 of the 4 legends appear the same color and in the other legend the another color...

All suggestions will be wellcome... thx!!


Problem solved!!!

If somebody has the same problem, here is the solution:


The only way I've found of doing it is to

1) Select Tools/Options/Color

2) Modify the colours in "Chart Fill"

...should be easier, but.

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