b/w two colums?
i have two numberic columns
i want percentage of column2/column1
They are on separate table.. l am intended to creat view with my results.
thanksjust do select table1.column1/table2.column2 from table1,table2
are the tables related in anyways? are they just numeric values that have nothing to do with each other? i need more information to help|||yes they are related and numberic
it gives me 0{zero] through in the results
i did table1.column1/table2.column2 as Percentage from table1,table2
do i have to create column? why outputing 0's only?|||Probably one or both columns are declared as integer. Try:
select convert(numeric(38, 19), table1.column1)/convert(numeric(38, 19), table2.column2) from table1,table2|||error
Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The column prefix 'dbo.table1' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
this column name has space and im using it like
select convert(numeric(38, 19), table1.[column1 name])/convert(numeric(38, 19), table2.column2)|||i just ran it and it worked fine
select convert(numeric(38,19), table1.[a c])/convert(numeric(38,19), table2.[b d])
from table1, table2
i guess double check that you are using the right DB, and you've typed everything correctly. Otherwise can you post up your query for me to look at?|||thks
it's working|||do you know how to format this to 2 decimal places?
like 20 instead of 0.02|||Umm...I'll just take a guess here...multiply by 100?
I assume you meant that 0.02 should display as 2, not 20...
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